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这里是 Mahoo12138, 一个兴趣广泛,爱好折腾三分钟热度 的蛋蛋后🥚 ,生活很无聊,需要新鲜感。
非典型二次元 ,直男ISTP-A,喜欢看看看日常番🥰,听听听听音乐🎵、跑跑跑跑跑跑步🏃、骑行🚲。
从事 Web 前端开发切图仔,代码力一般,不擅长算法,面向大模型编程。
I am interested in both the Theoretical & Applied Aspects of Cryptography and their applications throughout and beyond computing & data sciences.
In my previous research experience, I worked on developing and analyzing Cryptographic Systems and Protocols that address issues related to:
My most recent research work has put an emphasis on Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) and Privacy-preserving Machine Learning (PPML).
XXXX China Co.,Ltd.
Instructional Support Assistant (ISA)
CS 135 Designing Functional Programs
University of Dalian
Mathematics, Combinatorics & Optimization
Bachelor of Mathematics, Honours, Co-operative Program (Minor in Computing)
TypeScript 的 Namespace 块中类型与变量高亮颜色相同
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DNS 相关之鼓捣 AdGuard Home
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写框架的框架—— Cordis 源码解析 (个人向)
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